Catholic Charities

Over the years, Catholic Charities staff and volunteers monitor the needs of central and northern Arizona communities and respond by providing life-changing services that protect and nurture children, help strengthen families and assist individuals in crisis - growing to serve communities.

We deliver services in foster care, adoption and pregnancy counseling. We serve youth and families through early education and youth leadership programs. Over the years in response to community needs, our Catholic Charities in AZ have grown to serve veterans and their families, sex-trafficked survivors, victims of domestic abuse, refugees and those experiencing homelessness. Working with our affiliate, Housing for Hope, we provide affordable housing, as well as the resources and services individuals and families need to feel at home in their community.

Location Directory

Catholic Charities Community Services has offices located in both Central and Northern Arizona.

Programs and Services

We provide programs and services in several areas: Counseling, Domestic Violence, Foster Care, Veterans, Refugees, Homeless, Sex Trafficking, Westside Head Start, Youth Development.

Click here for more information.