Events & Announcements

Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Raffle
Ticket sales are in “full swing” for the Knights of Columbus Annual Statewide Charity Raffle.
Corpus Christi Council 10062 Knights will be in the courtyard selling raffle tickets after Mass each weekend through Sun, Apr 27.

Porters of St. Joseph Membership Drive
The Porters of St. Joseph Are Looking for a Few Good Men!

Simply Catholic Adult Faith Series
Join Fr. Eric Houseknecht for this new adult faith series launching Mon, Feb 3.

Men of St. Joseph - A Ministry for the Men of the Parish
In the Bl. Carlo Center (rooms 7 & 8) unless otherwise noted.
To strengthen and support the men of our parish by deepening our personal relationship with Jesus Christ through fellowship and catechesis.

Adult Catholic Education Series - The Letter to the Hebrews
Sessions will include video presentations by Dr. Andrew Swafford and Jeff Cavins, and discussions using commentary, notes, and questions by Scott Hahn & Curtis Mitch from Ignatius Press.

Unplanned Movie Night - Free Admission!
Doors open at 5:30pm. Movie starts at 6:00pm. In Corpus Christi Parish Hall.
Join us for a special screening of Unplanned. Free Admission!

Family Mass & Potluck
Join us for an evening of family, faith, and fun hosted by our BRIDGE 45 students!
Parish Vocation Ministry Training
The Diocese of Phoenix Vocations Office and local Phoenix Serra Clubs are working together to train members of every parish to promote vocations in the community.

Living in the Father's Love - Women's Bible Study
Alternating Monday nights at 7:00pm in the Parish Center.