In past articles and reflections, I have often referred to the Catholic Church and its members as the Mystical Body of Christ and what that means practically in the various aspects of our religious and spiritual lives. I will begin with a brief reminder of the Church’s definition of the Body of Christ and will then discuss how we can build and strengthen that body through our individual, private, spiritual practices.
The Mystical Body of Christ consists of many members. These members include us, here on earth, along with the souls in Purgatory and those in Heaven. Together, all of us are united under the Head of the body – Jesus Christ. With your own body, every member has its own unique function – your eyes see, your nose smells, and your ears hear, etc. However, despite the diverse functions, each member is united in the body as a whole, so that as each member functions, it affects your entire body.
READ MOREWhen you walk into just about any Catholic Church around the world, there is a distinctive feature common among them – the presence of art, statues, and other imagery that depict Jesus and other heavenly beings and realities. Those who have been Catholic most or all of their lives probably find the presence of these images natural or comfortable, but, as it turns out, there have been periods in our Church’s history where the use of such items has been both condemned and defended. In this article, I’ll talk about something called iconoclasm and why it is considered a heresy by the Catholic Church.
READ MOREHappy Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) where we celebrate the true presence — body, blood, soul, and divinity — of Christ in the Eucharist. Since this is the feast day of our namesake, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, it is particularly special to us. We have such a gift in the Eucharist as it is through this sacrament, not a mere symbol contained in bread and wine, that we receive and are nourished by Christ Himself according to His own words: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” (John 6:51).
READ MOREToday we celebrate the feast of The Most Holy Trinity, in which we honor who God really is — a union of three individual persons with one divine nature — a perfect family, complete in Himself. In full transparency, this is not one of my favorite topics on which to write. Though I do appreciate the beauty of the Truth of the Trinity, wrapping one’s head around this mystery, while attempting to put it into words that will never fully do it justice, requires a certain level of mental gymnastics. With that, it seems the best place to begin is with the word mystery.