In this famous Gospel, 2 disciples are walking away to a town called Emmaus, about 7 miles from Jerusalem. On the way they meet, they have a conversation with Jesus, and as they were listening to Jesus their hearts burn within them. Wouldn’t you like to have that same encounter? Good news is we can, and God desires us to. However, let’s be practical…walking 7 miles must have taken over 2 hours, sooo- we must be ready to invest our time also. I don’t mind- do you mind staying for 2 hours? Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us have the same kind of encounter with Jesus in the time that we have.
READ MOREBeginning with Holy Week, and through these first couple of weeks of Easter, I have been remindedof the joy of being Catholic. In particular, celebrating the Easter Vigil, which included baptizing twoyoung men and bringing 16 other people into full Communion with the Catholic Church, then when over60 of our children also became fully Catholic through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharistthis weekend have been jubilant occasions. What a blessing it is to be a part of the Church founded byChrist, the vehicle through which God has called us and every person to holiness and eternal life inHeaven!
READ MOREHappy Easter everyone — our Lord is Risen, Alleluia! Today, the Deacons are preaching in order to give Fr. Rey and I a little break after Easter. I have the utmost confidence that our Deaconswill be preaching inspiringly on Divine Mercy and, in particular, on the Sacrament of Confession. Inour Gospel today, Jesus instituted this great sacrament when He gave the power to bind and loosesins to His disciples (the first bishops). Therefore, I wanted to share a little reflection based upon ourfirst reading for this Sunday that I heard from Dr. Brant Pitre, one of my favorite theologians. During theSeason of Easter, the first reading isn’t taken from the Old Testament, but instead, from the Acts ofthe Apostles. Today, the first verse of our first reading is key: Acts 2:42. Here are Dr. Brant Pitre’sinspiring comments:
READ MOREFor those of you who may not know me, I am Matt Henry. I am a “cradle Catholic”. I have two loving and supportive parents and am one of five children. I have four sisters. I attended both parochial and public schools. I participated in C.E. and youth group.
In my youth, I remember my confirmation and Steubenville conference being powerful encounters with God.
As connected as I was to God and my faith then, I drifted away from God as I experienced college and early adulthood. I attended mass when it was convenient. I stopped receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation.
READ MOREMy brothers and sisters in Christ,
Happy Easter! What a glorious time this is. Our Lord, out oflove for each and every one of us, gave up his life for our sake,for our salvation, because that is what love does, it sacrificesand gives all for the one it loves. Christ has destroyed eternaldeath and we are not held bound anymore, because of whatthe Lord has done, now the death that we deserve because ofour sin is only temporary and not eternal. Our Lord has madeeternal life possible, but to attain what the Lord has made forus we must die to ourselves and live for Him. To die to ourselvesmeans that we are to die to our own selfish desires and seek to serve others, it means to worktowards detaching ourselves from sinful pleasures. To live for God means that we take time everyday in prayer and surrender our plans and desires, and we invite Him into every aspect of our lives,asking Him to take control so that His will can be done in our lives.
READ MOREWe have come to Holy Week, let us make it the holiest week of the year. Now that we've cometo the last week of Lent, let us not limp but sprint in our love for God to the finish line. Let us Prayeven more and really intentionally pray from our hearts. Let us Fast even more and unite our sufferings and desires to the Cross of Christ for it is there that our sacrifices find meaning and purpose.Let us give even more in Almsgiving and not count the cost because our Lord who is never outdonein generosity is about to give His whole self out of love for us.
READ MOREFrom a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nazianzen
Recognize to whom you owe the fact that you exist, that you breathe, that you understand, that you are wise, and, above all, that you know God and hope for the kingdom of heaven and the vision of glory, now darkly as in a mirror but then with greater fullness and purity. You have been made a son of God, co-heir with Christ. Where did you get all this, and from whom?