Corpus Christi Blog

Not Being Ruled by Possessions

07-31-2016HomiliesFr. Chad King

Our readings today give us a very challenging message, I ask you to take a moment now and ask that the Holy Spirit will open and convict your heart as He desires.

Our Gospel begins, “Someone from the crowd said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me’”. So we have 2 people, the person asking from the crowd and the brother. If we reflect though, chances are most of us are like one of these 2 people.


Meet our Newest Staff Members

07-31-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chad King

Matthew Camp — Administrative Assistant

For the earlier part of my life I lived in the Northwest, spending a fair bit of time helping out the family farm in Montana. Once I finished homeschooling my way through everything prior to college, I went to Christendom College in Front Royal, VA, which I graduated from in 2013 with a BA in History. After living on the east coast for nearly two-and-a-half years, I returned home to my family in Montana. Shortly after moving home, I got engaged to my wonderful fiancée, Therese, who moved down to Phoenix for her work. Through a process of prayer, discernment, and job hunting, God provided the opportunity for me to join the wonderful staff here at Corpus Christi. I moved down to Phoenix mid-July, following my fiancée, and feel very blessed to be a part of this devout parish. I really enjoy music and have studied piano and singing extensively, and have also learned to play the organ. I look forward to seeing you at Mass and around the parish!


What a Christian Should Be

07-24-2016Weekly Reflection

From a letter to Diognetus written in the 2nd century. It was true then. Is it true for you today?

Christians are indistinguishable from other men either by nationality, language or customs. They do not inhabit separate cities of their own, or speak a strange dialect, or follow some outlandish way of life. Their teaching is not based upon reveries inspired by the curiosity of men. Unlike some other people, they champion no purely human doctrine. With regard to dress, food and manner of life in general, they follow the customs of whatever city they happen to be living in, whether it is Greek or foreign.


Knowing the Father

07-24-2016HomiliesFr. Chad King

Today Jesus teaches us how to pray, let us open our hearts to learn how to relate to Our Heavenly Father.  Before I begin my homily, I ask each of you to think how you would describe your earthly father, if you know who he is, and what your relationship with him was or is like.

For some of you your fathers are a generous and loving man who is always there for you and so you probably have a strong relationship with him, maybe even he’s one of your best friends.  Others might say your father was busy at work providing for his family but emotionally not as present, and your relationship with your father is just OK.  Maybe you would say that you know your dad loves you, but he loves you in his own way.  Some dads can be authoritative and intimidating in relation to their children.  Still for others, their father might have been physically or emotionally abusive, he did not show love like he should have because he did not how to love; and so their relationship with their father is distant.


To Share in the Sufferings of Christ

07-17-2016Weekly ReflectionDavid Anders,

For non-Catholics, one of the strangest aspects of Catholic faith is its doctrine of suffering. It is not strange that Catholics should concern themselves with suffering. Suffering is a universal human problem. Some religious traditions (like Buddhism) are almost wholly concerned with the problem of suffering: how to eliminate it, endure it, or even deny it. But Catholics seem strange because, at times, they embrace it. "I rejoice in my sufferings," says St. Paul. (Colossians 1:24)


Martha, Mary, and Discipleship

07-17-2016HomiliesFr. Chad King

My brothers and sisters in Christ, both our 1st reading and our Gospel teaches us how to welcome Christ, how to show hospitality to our Lord.  You are probably familiar with the Gospel story of Martha and Mary.  Martha the server and Mary the prayer.  Jesus says Mary, the prayer, has chosen the better part.  Although this Gospel of Martha and Mary has confused many people, and some, especially women, have defended the actions of Martha, I want to give 3 angles, 3 points from this Gospel, so as to help each one of us learn how to truly welcome our Lord into our hearts and lives and become his disciple.


The Good Samaritan

07-10-2016HomiliesDeacon Chris Kellogg

As we think about the gospel reading today some questions to reflect on are, Who is my neighbor? And 2) What is my reaction to their needs, whether they be physical or spiritual?  Do I respond as the Samaritan did with love and compassion, putting my concerns second to the needs of another? Or do I too often make the choice like the priest and Levite to pass by on the other side and not get involved, saying I am too busy to help or I do not want to be criticized by a friend or colleague?  For example, in my daily life do I stand up for the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church on social issues such as marriage, homosexuality, abortion or am I content in following the ways of our secular society.


In this Jubilee Year, are you setting yourself apart and receiving the Mercy of God?

07-10-2016Weekly Reflection

An excerpt from a letter to the Romans by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr

My earthly desires have been crucified.

The delights of this world and all its kingdoms will not profit me. I would prefer to die in Jesus Christ than to rule over all the earth. I seek him who died for us, I desire him who rose for us. I am in the throes of being born again. Bear with me, my brothers; do not keep me from living, do not wish me to die. I desire to belong to God; do not give me over to the world, and do not seduce me with perishable things. Let me see the pure light; when I am there, I shall be truly a man at last. Let me imitate the sufferings of my God. If anyone has God in him, let him understand what I want and have sympathy for me, knowing what drives me on.


The Most Cherished of American Freedoms

07-03-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chad King

An excerpt from Our First, Most Cherished Liberty, a statement on Religious Liberty from the United States Council of Catholic Bishops

In 1634, a mix of Catholic and Protestant settlers arrived at St. Clement's Island in Southern Maryland from England aboard the Ark and the Dove. They had come at the invitation of the Catholic Lord Baltimore, who had been granted Maryland by the Protestant King Charles I of England. While Catholics and Protestants were killing each other in Europe, Lord Baltimore imagined Maryland as a society where people of different faiths could live together peacefully. This vision was soon codified in Maryland's 1649 Act Concerning Religion (also called the "Toleration Act"), which was the first law in our nation's history to protect an individual's right to freedom of conscience.